Energy efficiency is a big buzzword in homeownership these days. After all, nobody wants to waste money on their energy bills, and most people are trying to reduce their carbon footprints. You may have heard that replacing old windows with energy-efficient ones is a good way to save money each month. While that is true, it’s important to understand what energy efficiency really means when it comes to windows. If you’re still in the dark about how energy-efficient windows work, keep reading. This post from your window supplier in Glenwood Springs, CO will cover everything you need to know. Multiple... View Article
A buildup of water droplets on the inside of mountain-facing windows is normal in most homes in the area. However, it’s not always something you should ignore. Over time, all of that condensation could have some significant implications for your glass and window frames. This post from your reliable window suppliers in Glenwood Springs, CO will cover everything there is to know about window condensation and what you can do to prevent it. Why does condensation form? Those tiny water droplets, known as condensation, form when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface. So, when the warm... View Article
Becoming a homeowner is a big deal, and it requires a lot of quick acclimation and learning about basic DIY. All of the sudden, you start to pay attention to aspects of the home you never gave much thought to before—like the windows. In particular, if you’ve recently bought an old house, the windows can be a real sticking point. If your house still has the original ones, or you’re thinking about replacing them as part of a remodel, it’s important to understand a little bit more about how windows affect energy consumption. The energy efficiency of old windows is... View Article
One of the best parts about living in the Rockies is the gorgeous view outside your windows. Wherever your home is, you can undoubtedly stare out a picture window and get at least a partial view of the magnificent mountains surrounding us. However, that natural splendor can be a double-edged sword. Proximity to the mountains means it won’t be long before the winter weather comes knocking at your doors and windows and threatening to sap your home of valuable heat. That’s when it’s time to make smart decisions and enlist the best Rocky Mountain home window supplier money can buy.... View Article
Looking for ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency? Look no further than your windows. You might not realize it, but the windows in your home could be one of its biggest sources of energy waste. If you feel as though your energy bills are creeping higher and higher to the point where they’re getting out of control, you might consider inspecting your windows and taking some measures to make them more energy efficient. Working with high-end window suppliers in Glenwood Springs, CO can help in this process. Here are just a few examples of some of the steps you... View Article