What Can I Expect to Pay for Replacement Windows?
One of the more common questions we receive from our customers is how much windows cost—even if they’re just looking at replacing one or two windows. There’s no simple answer here, as there are a lot of different factors that go into the costs of replacement windows, particularly when you’re looking at higher-end brands like Albertini, Loewen and Windsor. With this in mind, here’s some information from a window supplier in Aspen, CO about the factors that go into determining the cost of replacement windows.
As with anything in life, if you want excellent quality, you’re going to need to pay for it. Not all windows are created equal, and while higher price does not always mean higher quality, it is true that, in general, the best-quality windows will be priced on the higher end.
So how can you tell whether a product is or is not a high-quality window? You should inspect indicators such as the material and durability of the frame, the quality of installation, the type of glass and heat resistance packages used and the warranties and certifications available for the product.
Speaking of window materials, they will play an important role in determining how much you can expect to pay for your replacement windows. The most popular material options you’ll find on the market for residential windows are wood and vinyl. Both offer about the same level of quality, though you can expect some significant price differences.
Vinyl is a more cost-effective option, as it offers you better energy savings, requires little maintenance and is easy to install. It also doesn’t require harvesting of trees, which cuts down on transportation and environmental costs. Wood offers more natural beauty, but requires more maintenance and is generally more expensive.
What types of installation processes will be used to get your new windows up in your home? This will also play a role in how much you can expect to pay for a replacement. During full-frame window installation, everything has to come out, which includes the sill and all the trim. The process is slower, requires more materials and labor and is more expensive, but it’s necessary when you’re replacing windows that have seen some severe deterioration.
If that level of deterioration doesn’t exist, you can get away with pocket installation, which is faster and doesn’t require you to take out the old frame. This costs less money, as it involves less work and doesn’t require as many materials.
Consider the warranties and certifications available for any type of replacement window you choose. The warranties will vary across companies and manufacturers, and what’s covered in your warranty will influence the price you pay for the window itself. A stronger warranty generally indicates a better-quality product, and it’s worthwhile to protect your investment by looking for products with a good warranty. Brands like Arcadia, Weiland and other high-end brands typically offer excellent warranties on their products.
For more information, or to schedule a consultation with a high-end window supplier in Aspen, CO, reach out to Architectural Windows & Doors, Inc. today.
Categorised in: Replacement Windows