Front Door Ideas To Make Your Home Stick Out!
It’s normal for you to want to make your home stand out. One way to do that is to decorate, adorn, or change your front door. These are some front door ideas to make your home stick out.
Hang a Wreath
It doesn’t have to be a certain holiday for you to hang a wreath on your door. You can visit a physical or online home improvement store to look for the perfect item to place there. Little things sometimes mean a lot, so don’t be afraid to try this small change first.
Handpaint It With a Unique Color
Handpainting your door is a great idea if you enjoy being artistic. Visit a paint shop and have them mix up the perfect color for your door. Ensure that it’s unlike other hues or tones in your neighborhood so that you can keep it unique.
It’s your decision to use vibrant colors or calm colors. A vibrant color will grab more people’s eyes and make them marvel at your home. The unique door you create with those colors can also increase your home’s value. Red and yellow are two robust shades you can use if you’re not afraid to be bold. Yellow is the color that signifies hope and happiness, and anyone who sees your yellow door will perk up right away.
Red is a good color for passion and enthusiasm. Thus, you may want to choose a shade of red to get everyone super excited about your house.
Change the Door Style
Changing the style of your door is another idea if it’s within your budget to do so. For example, you can go from a plain door to a French door or a nine-panel half-glass door if that’s what you have right now. There are many front doors to make your home stand out. Browse the vast selection of options and find one that’s perfect for you.
Accessorize the Porch
You don’t have to directly do anything to the door to make it stand out. Instead, you can choose to accessorize the porch. An attractive welcome mat might be all you need to add spice to your door, for example. Welcome mats are also available, and you can hang one right on your door if you like. Another idea is to buy some flowers you can put on the sides of the door to draw attention to them. Adding outside lights to the porch can also make it stand out from all the rest of your neighborhood’s doors and porch areas. Little tweaks and additions can make a huge difference.
Make a Door Mural
You can always create a door mural if you really want to get creative. Your mural could be about whatever interests you or a subject that excites you. You can either have the mural painted directly on the door or around the door area. Hire an experienced artist to do it for you or have fun doing it yourself.
Those are a few ways to make your home more attractive and outstanding. Try a few of them, and you’ll most likely think of additional ways to add some spice to your door.
Categorised in: Exterior Doors