There are good reasons to replace your windows from time to time. At AWD, this is something that we can help our customers out with when necessary. The benefits of brand new windows often outweigh the costs associated with getting these set up for many of our customers, and that is absolutely something we can help them get. The top benefits of replacing your windows is something that we want to go over today. Higher Home Value An increased home value is a natural benefit of getting window replacement. There is a cost associated with window replacement, but owners can... View Article
It’s normal for you to want to make your home stand out. One way to do that is to decorate, adorn, or change your front door. These are some front door ideas to make your home stick out. Hang a Wreath It doesn’t have to be a certain holiday for you to hang a wreath on your door. You can visit a physical or online home improvement store to look for the perfect item to place there. Little things sometimes mean a lot, so don’t be afraid to try this small change first. Handpaint It With a Unique Color... View Article
Building a brand-new home or moving into one is a personal experience full of customized options. Choosing the perfect windows for your dwelling is one of those privileges. These are some tips for choosing the right windows for your home if you haven’t yet decided what to do. What Are the Window Choices for Your Home? Your head could spin from the sheer number of choices you have regarding window options. That’s why it is essential to take the time to write down some of your preferences and consider various details about the area you’re moving to. These are a... View Article
Smart glass is a versatile product used almost everywhere that ordinary glass is used. This technology is highly demanded than ever as more Americans are looking for more efficient solutions to their needs. Here is everything you need and want to know about smart glass. What Is Smart Glass? Smart or switchable glass is a glass whose light transmission properties are affected when light, voltage, or heat is applied. In short, they change from translucent to transparent and block all, certain, or some wavelengths of light. Smart glass helps control heat, privacy, and light in homes, businesses, and institutions like... View Article
Modern technology helps us deal with many inconveniences that were huge issues in the past. Losing your keys, or getting locked out of your house could have meant an entire day lost trying to reenter your own home. Today, keyless entry locks turn this catastrophe into a minor inconvenience. If you are considering this option for your home, it is important to look at the pros and cons of keyless entry so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your family. Understanding Keyless Entry Keyless entry locks provide security for your home without using regular mechanical keys and... View Article