Making the decision to upgrade the windows in your home with air-tight, energy-efficient ones can be an exciting endeavor. You’ll save money on heat during our cold Colorado winters, enhance the security of your home with more advanced locking mechanisms and make opening and closing them to enjoy some fresh air a whole lot easier. But the ordering process comes with something of a challenge—how do you measure windows to ensure you’re ordering the right size replacements? Measuring replacement windows may sound easy enough, but if you’ve never done it before, it may be a little more complicated than you... View Article
Perhaps you’ve noticed that your windows are fogging up. Does this mean your windows need to be replaced? Possibly, but not necessarily. To determine if the fog means it’s time to start window shopping, look for signs you need new windows. Here’s what you need to know. Why are my windows foggy? Your windows may be fogging up due to one of three common reasons. First, the panes may be foggy simply because there is an extreme temperature difference between the interior and the exterior of your home. Second, you may see fog on your windows if you have a... View Article
Is it time to invest in new windows for your home? Installing new windows is a significant endeavor, so you want to be sure your windows really need to be replaced before you complete this project. Look for the following signs you need new windows to know if it’s time to call your local window professionals. Your utility bills are through the roof If your HVAC system has to work harder to keep your interior comfortable, you’ll pay more for heating and cooling. Often, the reason for the expense is poor window insulation. Try these tests. If you stand next... View Article
Is it time to replace your windows and doors? Winter might not seem like a good time to tackle this task, but it’s a surprisingly excellent time to do so. Not only are contractors less busy in the colder months, but you can ensure your doors and windows are ready to take on the freezing Colorado winters. Here’s why you should consider replacing your doors and windows during winter: A slower season: Winter is historically a slow season for building contractors. Inclement weather can make it hard to build a house or add a new roof, but it’s not as... View Article
Winter weather is almost here, which means it’s time to focus on preparing your home’s windows for winter. Not only will it help keep drafts out, but you’ll save on your energy bills. Keeping the warm air inside your home means your heater won’t work as hard to keep you toasty and cozy throughout the season. Winter window prep is quick, easy and inexpensive. Here are our best tips for getting your windows ready for the cold: Weatherstripping: Weatherstripping is one of the easiest ways to prevent drafts in your home. It typically comes in a roll and is available... View Article